Ozark Off Road Cyclists: Trail Maintenance Masters

Ever wonder about the beautifully groomed width of dirt beneath your tires as you crush countless Ozark mountain biking trails?
Yeah, that perfection didn’t just happen on its own. One of FC's non profit partners, the OORC, or Ozark Off Road Cyclists, has worked for countless hours to help carve the mountain biking scene into what it is today. After nineteen years of passion and hands-on labor, their mission is simple: to advocate, build, maintain, and preserve sustainable multi-use soft-surface trails in the Arkansas Ozarks. Trail systems in Bentonville, Fayetteville, Hobbs State Park, Devils Den, and Eureka Springs all have the OORC’s shovel impressions engraved in their soil.
To celebrate the OORC’s incalculable contribution to the Ozarks, and to share gratitude for all that the club has done for our region, we wanted to offer a recap of their most recent accomplishments.
Trail Maintainence
- The OORC continued to maintain classics such as the Upper Buffalo Mountain Bike Trail, Mt. Kessler, Mt. Sequoyah, Lincoln Lake, Hobbs, Lake Fayetteville, Thunder Chicken, Devils Den, Lake Leatherwood, Black Bass, Old Post, and Ouita.
- They added ¾ miles to the Lincoln Lake trail system. Their latest edition was a half mile reroute along the south end of the lake to direct trail users off the service road and on to an entirely volunteer hand built section that captures the essence of this scenic beauty.
- They began a new ¾ mile trail at Vandergriff / McNair Schools in Fayetteville, and created the user / maintenance relationship responsibility.
- Since April, their staff + volunteers have covered over 64 miles, giving 664 hours of love back to 7 different trail systems.
- Fossil Flats at Devil’s Den received a complete make over in preparation for the XXVII NW Arkansas MTB Championships.
- They were requested by NICA as a course developing resource.
Community Involvement
- The OORC began a Trail Steward program that will ensure that trails are kept via regular’s riders feedback on trail conditions and hazards. You can apply to become a Trail Steward, here.
- Over the past year, the club has nearly tripled their membership.
- They recently proposed a grant for for Lake Fayetteville Flow & Skills Course trail enhancement.
- Their annual event, the Buffalo Headwaters Challenge, grew significantly, doubling in attendance since last year. Look out for more details on 2016's weekend getdown, scheduled to begin Friday, January 30th.
- They are now hosting weekly community rides lead by active bikers from the area. Beginner rides are based in Lake Fayetteville & advanced rides at Kessler Trail and happen on a weekly basis.
- Since April, their volunteers have covered over 64 miles, giving 664 hours of love back to seven different trail systems.
- Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 is the OORC Monthly Member Meeting and will be held at Apple Blossom Brewing Co. There will be a pre-meeting group ride at Lake Fayetteville. Arrive ready to roll out at 5:30pm sharp from the parking lot located directly behind ABBC. Meeting will be set to start at 7:00pm. Food and beverage will be available for purchase through ABBC.
For a full list of the OORC's upcoming events, you can check out their event calendar.
Fayettechill + OORC:
Become an OORC Member or Contributor
Maintenance of this non profit and of the beautiful trail system in the Arkansas Ozarks would be impossible without the support of volunteers and donations.
Tandie Bailey, an OORC group-ride leader / Trail Steward and FC athlete agrees. "The most important tasks we could throw out to the public," she relayed, "would be to show up for the meetings, join the Facebook group to stay involved in work days & other events as they pop up. Grow the army of trail lovers & volunteers that maintain the trails we love.”
If you'd like to become a member, click here. To volunteer, check this page, and to simply give toward the club, visit here.
To see FC downhill mountain biking athletes, Tandie and Dustin Slaughter, in action atop the OORC's well-maintained trail, check this video:
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