Kammok Connection: A Company that Embodies Chill
The Fayettechill logo depicts a human silhouette hanging in a hammock to the backdrop of a setting sun. For me, this represents that when you suspend yourself in nature, good things happen. The story of Fayettechill is woven by all the good things that naturally come into your life once you take a moment to pause and chill.

While there are a number of allegorical intentions behind our logo, there is also a clear, physical recommendation: treat yourself to the hammock life and see what the world looks and feels like inside of it. A few years ago we found a company that produces hammocks with a similar focus to Fayettechill in respect to community and quality. Based in Austin, TX, Kammok quickly became one of our favorite companies to work with. Kammok is on a mission to equip and inspire life changing adventure. They believe that the greatest adventures are “other centered”, when you give of yourself for the betterment of those around you.

The desire to spread love is at the core of what they do. It is a pretty incredible ethos to interact with, cultivated by a similar suspended train of thought that drives Fayettechill. That is, if you allow yourself to pause, relax, and reflect, then you begin to remember how much good you have in your life, how and why you are happy, and that connecting and sharing this positive perspective with others is a path for continued fulfillment.

Kammok centers their outdoor community around their MOB program, which is a summation of community, love, and adventure. They have identified that the most unforgettable adventures are those journeys experienced with friends and family. The MOB program is in reference to the Kammok logo, a female red kangaroo, which symbolize these core values in a powerful way.

The female kangaroo nurtures her young, called the Joey, in her pouch, protecting them from the harshest conditions in the Australian outback. But, she does not do it alone. Kangaroos adventure in a group of ten or more called a MOB. And that's what the extended family of Kammok -- what they’ve affectionately named their MOB -- celebrates all over the world. Deeper, MOB stands for Moving Others Beyond. Kammok advocates living this adventure - #TheRooLife - everyday.
Kammok hopes to inspire community through their brand stories and through encouraging people to hang together, literally through Flash MOBs. Be on the lookout for upcoming Fayettechill Flash MOBs. They have also started a Kammok MOB Adventure Club on more than a dozen campuses across the U.S. These are student-led groups on mission with them to invite and inspire others to experience the fullness of life through adventure and community. For more information on Kammok’s MOB Adventure Club, email hello@kammok.com.
Kammok hopes to inspire community through their brand stories and through encouraging people to hang together, literally through Flash MOBs. Be on the lookout for upcoming Fayettechill Flash MOBs. They have also started a Kammok MOB Adventure Club on more than a dozen campuses across the U.S. These are student-led groups on mission with them to invite and inspire others to experience the fullness of life through adventure and community. For more information on Kammok’s MOB Adventure Club, email hello@kammok.com.

When we asked Kammok’s COO, Haley Robison, where and how she feels Fayettechill and Kammok relate, it was clear we ride the same wavelengths:
“Both our companies celebrate and encourage the rest and energy that comes from time spent outdoors. Fayettechill is intentional and purposeful in how they invite people into their story and philosophy - we love this! Fayettechill encourages others breath a bit slower and a bit more deeply, to take a moment to rest, and to open their eyes wide and take in the beauty around them. There is something about being present in a moment with others that's very attractive and life-giving.”
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